At System Cleaners Academy, we prepare professional cleaners, technicians and sales people for the challenges of the future
Cleaners Academy is adjacent to our production and testing facilities. This provides an opportunity to simulate every imaginable cleaning situation in the showroom, where everyone gets the chance to personally experience the cleaning systems in operation. The teachers at the Academy are our own employees: engineers, developers and sales people, all of whom are specialists in the many benefits and possibilities of our products.
Our courses are held throughout the year, so it is always possible to be 100% updated on our systems and solutions.
The concept includes teaching, counselling and training in the opportunities, benefits and the practical applications of the systems and product range. At Cleaners Academy, you get insight into our company, and naturally we share our expertise. We make sure that everyone gets a thorough introduction to the basic principles of the systems and the wealth of opportunities offered by the them.
In the training, we place great emphasis on feedback and the exchange of experiences and we employ case studies to share useful knowledge with the course participants.