Apply to: Satellites, main stations, Voyager, all booster stations
No or too low rinse pressure
Below is a checklist to go through to identify the problem you are having and how to solve it. Some of the points are obvious but still relevant. If you need instructions on how to perform the service, please go to our TrainingTube® platform where we have collected a wide range of video tutorials.

1. Check that the ball valve on the inlet is open
2. Check that the boosted water supply is ON
3. Check that the inlet pressure is between 1.5 and 10 bar (23 and 145 psi) as prescribed in the manual
4. Make sure not to exceed the maximum no. of users on the same supply station
5. Check that the water supply is sufficient in accordance with the technical specifications
6. If you experience excessive water consumption, check that you are using an original System Cleaners rinse nozzle

If you need instructions on how to perform the service, please go to our TrainingTube® platform where we have collected a wide range of video tutorials.